Improve your team's communication and resolve sensitive issues.
"We tested out a few anonymous apps, but none was as ironed-out as your bot."
"It removes the barrier to ask questions."
"Your app is quite invaluable to our team."
"Sometimes something is required to be said."
You are a manager and would like to create an anonymous Slack survey or collect performance reviews?
Do you think that an anonymous suggestion box could be useful for your team?
Another never-ending meeting? Coworker’s habits keep annoying you? You would like to share your thoughts but don’t want to step out as the troublemaker?
It is a simple Slack app allowing you to submit honest and confidential feedback.
Whoever receives feedback can reply to it without knowing who the author is. The author can reply back anonymously or decide to reveal their identity.
Slack team admins can disable direct private anonymous messages or even limit Abot usage to set of allowed channels or permitted users group.
Use this simple Slack suggestion bot to fuel interesting discussions.
Create polls and allow your colleagues to vote and discuss them anonymously.
You can use it to do an anonymous AMA with your boss or just for kicks on a seperate channel.
Abot is the best way to add a customizable layer of anonymous communication on the Slack platform.
You can start using Abot without paying for a week and see how it affects your team's communication.
No credit card required or strings attached.
If after the trial period you decide Abot is beneficial for your team you can purchase it anonymously.